I made myself a custom set of NG score reaction asstes!!
Here's how you do it
Get a redirecting extension for your web browser of choice! I use the Redirector for Firefox because it's dead simple to use.
Redirect this target image url:
To this custom set of reactions with Lasse Meowsøe:
Do you plan on doing a tutorial for custom ones?
Czyszy (Updated )
Nah. These are simple enough to make, that no tutorial is needed!
You need a sequence of 11 reaction faces with your character of choice in the form of transparent background .png's and image dimensions of 210x185 sorted from the most disgusted to the most pleased - it's good to know that frame #8 is the mid point that also acts like the "generic" reaction that's displayed before you cast your score vote
Then you simply stitch them into a "sheet" using your favorite tool. I'd recommend this website: https://tools23.com/tools/sprites/pngs-to-sprite-sheet/ simply because it has an idiotproof GUI
Then you upload your sheet to your Newgrounds Dump or any other image hosting site that allows hotlinking and doesn't remove your images after they've expired
And lastly you redirect the original Tankman sheet to your replacement sheet (as described in the newspost) There are countless ways to do it.