Don't use comic sans. ;_;
Don't use comic sans. ;_;
I think Comic Sans should be use for its only intended purpose, as comic book lettering nothing more nothing less.
:) smile
Are you a Phoenix Wright fan? That hat kinda looks like the hat Phoenix wore in Apollo Justice.
I'm an Ace Attorney fan but I've come up with this hat long before I've played Apollo Justice. I believe I've got the inspiration from Soul's hat from Soul Eater, though :v
So clean.
Thank you man!
original character, donut staalz
Haha yeah, the watermark may to big, but my ugliest drawing was sold several times as a shirt motif without my permission. You have to be prepared these days xDDD
It should be Surstrømming cause the ö umlaut doesn't belong to the Norwegian alphabet. Other than that, cool concept.
Believe it or not, I've just fixed it :D
Too bad I've never been a frequent Newgrounds user. You could make a baby with time I use to respond to a comment.
What gives you a right to disregard the values of life, standardizing people's space in planning conurbations? Who exactly do you think you are to curtail all needs,
robotizing us to move about in right angled streets? ;p
Well, nobody ever said I couldn't
It's okay but you gotta keep on practicing in order to get better and more exciting results. :)
thanks a lot man! i have been practising a while this is me trying to get out of my confort zone aka drawing object from far away and doing perspective! i hopê one day i can be gud ;;
Sailing the seas of sight, sound and imagination. ⛵
Age 28, Male
Joined on 11/21/11