I didn't know Arthur was an aardvark until this year. xD
I didn't know Arthur was an aardvark until this year. xD
Deflation? Sweet!
ooga booga looga dooga rooga
The animation is nice, but the girl's bare legs give me strange tingles inside :3
Ur making me feel old
This might be an old joke but it's so well timed and animated
Thank you!
I like the punchline.
Svenska är ej min modersmål. Tack för de engelska undertexterna. Din mikrofonkvalität är valdigt dålig. 👎 Fast animationen tycks fin. 👍
Vackert gjört. Hälsningar!
It is the microphone on a headset. Top notch technology. 😄
“No longer at the mercy of the reptile brain, we can change ourselves. Think the possibilities!”
— Carl Sagan
Wild Polish appeared!
Sailing the seas of sight, sound and imagination. ⛵
Age 28, Male
Joined on 11/21/11