I dig this piece.
Also, impressive list of gear.
Some of the sax parts sound kinda plasticy though.
I dig this piece.
Also, impressive list of gear.
Some of the sax parts sound kinda plasticy though.
You're absolutely right for the sax parts.
I'm saving up some money to buy 8Dio's Studio Saxophones plugin for this reason.
It'll make the EQing a lot easier.
I appreciate your review a lot. Very glad you dig it.
Dziękuję ci, good sir.
congrats for being randomly picked by the automated system as UotD!
Great cover although the lo-fi effect sounds like bad encoding rather than something that was done on purpose.
You've got a good ear! I actually did export it at 16kHz on purpose. I know it sounds like "bad quality" but thats the point.
love the description
cheers, it's in the past, but I wish I could go back and change the title though. I almost always name my tracks following their completion and usually don't come in to production with a specific theme or idea I want to musically reproduce beforehand. Back when I made this in Aug 2008, Usain Bolt had not only won several track events at the Olympics, but set new world records. Chase scene...world's fastest man...There was no racial inspiration at the time, but over a decade later I can totally see why the title may be offensive. Not to say I wasn't edgy back then.
At least me and DJ-Deliquent resolved this after his review though.
That's some good light music.
Thank you!
Is it Woody Hanks or Buzz Allen? Or maybe it's Woody Allen?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck Woody Allen?
I have no clue why this sounds so muddy. Good track btw.
wasn't mixed or mastered and was made I 1 hour as a challenge by a guy who madena excuse to give up ,,,hechalleged me lol,,,jumpswheiplayitohere??
As a prog lover, I gotta admit: I like it. But I guess the track would've been even better with vocals.
PS: I agree. Steven Wilson and Dream Theater are super overrated.
just kidding, I hate the term 'overrated' to be frank
Steven Wilson is my prog uncle
Yes indeed! Thank you!
I'm not a huge fan of the growly cartoon monster-ish vocals. Also, the sound seems to be kinda overcompressed. On the other hand, the riffs are great.
Thanks for tuning in!
Sailing the seas of sight, sound and imagination. ⛵
Age 28, Male
Joined on 11/21/11